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Sports chiropractic in Hong Kong

Our sports chiropractic practice helps athletes and sports enthusiasts:

  • accelerate recovery from injury

  • relieve pain

  • restore range of motion

  • enhance sports performance.

We do this by incorporating a blend of therapies:

Chiropractic manipulation in Hong Kong

Chiropractic Manipulation

Chiropractic is a non-invasive, conservative approach to treating the muscles, joints, bones and nerves of the body. Chiropractors are skilled in hands-on healthcare, specializing in manual chiropractic adjustments and mobilizations of the spinal vertebrae and other joints.

Muscle Release Therapy in Hong Kong

Muscle Release

Any successful approach to elite wellness needs to incorporate manual therapy techniques.  Muscle release therapy is a hands-on approach with the goal of healing, relaxing, diagnosing mobility problems to transform your body into a well-oiled machine.

Performance Rehabilitation and Physical Exercise in Hong Kong

Performance Rehabilitation

We teach specific exercise programs to reduce pain and dysfunction. The goal is to empower and address the root causes of pain, strengthen weak muscles and reduce muscle imbalances that result from traumatic injury, repetitive stress or daily activities.

Dry Needling

Dry needling involves targeting tight muscles with very thin microfilament needles in order to relax them. It can provide relief from pain, restore range of motion and speed up recovery from injury. Find out more.

Y-Strap Adjustment

The Y-Strap stretches the spine and soft tissues around the head and neck down the body’s Y-axis. It can relieve muscle pain and tightness, help restore range of motion and improve posture. Find out more.

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