The Missing Piece to Corporate Wellness
Your company may have trainers, nutritionists, expensive equipment, and educational programs as part of your corporate wellness program offering but you may be overlooking one specialist that can tie everything together.
Almost all corporate workers have some sort of musculoskeletal condition whether it be back pain, neck stiffness, or headaches, even though they may not formally be seeing a health care professional.
A chiropractor is unique in that he or she can help employees quickly resolve current injuries, discomforts, and imbalances, while also avoiding future problems. Chiropractors treat conditions of the spine and other joints of the body by improving fundamental human movement; creating motion and reducing tension. This may be accomplished via gentle mobilizations targeted towards the affected areas, plus hands-on muscle stretching termed “active release.” Chiropractors have a formal education program that includes advanced courses in injury prevention, ergonomics, nutrition, and exercise therapy.
Beyond keeping employees healthy and performing at their highest function, this may be able to reduce your company’s annual health care spending. Research has shown that seeing a chiropractor before going to a specialist or getting an MRI can save thousands of dollars. Addressing smaller issues such as tightness, aches, and soreness before getting too serious can keep employees productive and feeling their best.
For HR managers, having a lineup of amazing wellness practitioners, including a chiropractor, is a way of showing employees and potential recruits that your company cares deeply about them and values their work and health. Offering things such as chiropractic care on-site can help you recruit top talent.
So now you’re interested in looking for a chiropractor to work with your company, here are a few things to consider:
1. Pick a model of care that suits your company’s needs as well as the employee’s
There are a few ways to go about in offering chiropractic in your corporate wellness program. A complimentary service may be offered initially to introduce the program to the company, working within the insurance company billing amounts will also make care easier to obtain.
2. Organize chiropractic along with other services you are offering
True healthcare is not a single entity and there is rarely a single fix. Having your corporate wellness healthcare providers working and communication together along with HR will provide the best possible programs with the greatest results.
3. Choose a chiropractor you believe your company can trust and enjoy spending time with
In a corporate setting, it’s important to understand the specific work demands, including the employee’s work station setup, and ergonomics. This will allow the chiropractor and other practitioners to develop plans that create lasting changes and long-term solutions via education and self awareness.
Dr. Ian Shaw is a Registered Chiropractor practicing in Central, Hong Kong.